
Scientists have discovered Cthulhu

Scientists: friends are similar genetically

Created the most detailed map of the surface of Mars

Scientists reminded smokers of the increased risk of suicide

Scientists: maternal care improves baby’s brain development

Scientists have refuted the popular myth about the unused possibilities of the brain

10 unusual secrets among the usual things to us

Danes are genetically programmed for happiness

For the first time, scientists have removed HIV from human DNA.

Astronomers have found a very unusual exoplanet with an annual cycle of 704 days.

Scientists are exploring the possibility of creating liquid media

Google based on genetic research will create a model of a person with perfect health

Scientists: only 8 percent of human DNA is beneficial, the rest is “garbage”

Scientists have learned using a blood test to identify a person's suicidal tendency

For the settlement of a foreign planet need 40 thousand people

Study: 5 minutes of running a day prolongs life for 3 years

Scientists have made the mouse transparent

Scientists predict a catastrophic decline in yield by 2050

Elon Musk considers artificial intelligence a serious threat to humanity

The new method allows you to collect anti-cancer molecules in just a few minutes.

BIOMEX: a few words about new technologies for the search for extraterrestrial life

Is it possible to return the knowledge of mankind after the apocalypse?

Scientists manage to create functioning neurons from skin cells

Developed material capable of causing water to rise on a vertical surface.

When will we end the disease of old age?

A five-minute video shows the history of culture over the past 2600 years.

Physicists have managed to circumvent the uncertainty principle.

10 facts about how parasites, viruses and bacteria help people